Evaluation of oculomotor behaviour using a video eye tracker.
Research Activity
An active research group in Visual Psychophysics & Electrophysiology. Current projects:
(a) Eye movement / oculomotor behaviour in silent passage reading. Effects of visuo-motor and linguistic factors using a video eyetracker
(with MK Tsilimbaris, A. Simos, and A. Gleni, UoC).
(b) Evaluation of functional vision in the correction of presbyopia, myopia and astigmatism
(funding from Novartis, Johnson & Johnson and Alcon)
(c) Reanalysis of myopia prevalence values (with WN Charman, The University of Manchester)
(d) Ageing effects on pupil fluctuations and accommodation response / dynamics
(with WN Charman, The University of Manchester and Adrian Glasser, UK)
(e) Objective assessment of digital eye strain and discomfort glare (with Adrian Glasser)
(f) Development of standardized visual / reading acuity charts + IReST cards in Greek (copyright)
(g) Virtual reality use in vision research (with Orama VR)
(h) Visual and strategic performance under conditions of stress/threat (with A. Simos & P. Bitsios, Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UoC)
(i) Retinal toxicity in animal models using electrophysiology (with: MK Tsilimbaris, UoC)
71. Davies LN, Biswas S, Bullimore M,….Plainis S, Richdale K, Simard P, Wolffsohn J. (2024) CLEAR presbyopia: Mechanism and optics. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 47(4) 102185. doi.org/10.1016/j.clae.2024.102185 70. Plainis S, Panagopoulou S, Charman WN. (2024) Longitudinal changes in objective accommodative response, pupil size and spherical aberration: A case study. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2024;44(1):168-176 doi.org/10.1111/opo.13250 69. Papachristou A, Lambraki A, Giannakopoulou T, Tsilimbaris MK, Plainis S. (2024) Silicone oil insulation effects on flash electroretinogram and visual evoked potential in patients with retinal detachment. Journal of Optometry. 2024;17(2):100502 doi.org/10.1016/j.optom.2023.100502 68. Ríos HA, Lövestam-Adrian M, Plainis, S, Tsilimbaris MK, Joussen AM, Keegan D, Charles M, Cunha-Vaz J, Midena E. (2024). Additional measures of visual function beyond acuity, Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 262(6): 1723-1736. doi.org/10.1007/s00417-023-06272-1 67. Ktistakis E, Gleni A, Tsilimbaris MK, Plainis S. (2024) Comparing silent reading performance for single sentences and paragraphs: an eye movement-based analysis. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 2024;107(4):449-456 doi.org/10.1080/08164622.2023.2237974 66. Ktistakis E, Simos P, Tsilimbaris MK, Plainis S. (2023). Efficacy οf Wet Age-related Macular Degeneration Treatment οn Reading: A Pilot Study Using Eye-movement Analysis. Optom Vis Sci. 2023;100(10):670-678. dx.doi.org/10.1097/OPX.0000000000002064 65. Blavakis E, Spaho J, Chatzea M, Gleni A, Plainis S. (2023). Dichoptic Game Training in Strabismic Amblyopia Improves the Visual Evoked Response. Cureus. Sep 17;15(9):e45395. doi: 10.7759/cureus.45395 64. Plainis S, Ktistakis E, Tsilimbaris MK. (2023) Presbyopia correction with multifocal contact lenses: evaluation of silent reading performance using eye fixation analysis. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye. DOI: 10.1016/j.clae.2023.101853 63. Wolffsohn JS, Whayeb Y, Logan N, Weng R and the International Myopia Institute Ambassador Group. (2023)IMI—Global Trends in Myopia Management Attitudes and Strategies in Clinical Practice—2022 Update, Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences. 64(6).6 DOI 10.1167/iovs.64.6.6 62. Alves M, Asbell P, Dogru M, …Plainis S…. Stapleton F. (2023) TFOS Lifestyle Report: Impact of environmental conditions on the ocular surface. Ocular Surface, 29:1–52. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtos.2023.04.004 61. Plainis S, Ktistakis E, Sapountzis P, Charman WN (2023) Modelling changes in the prevalence of childhood myopia. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 43(4):798-804 DOI: 10.1111/opo.13131 60. Richdale K, Cox I, Kollbaum P, Bullimore MA, Bakaraju RC, Gifford P, Plainis S, McKenney C, Newman S, Tomiyama ES, Morgan PB (2021). CLEAR Contact Lens Optics, Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 44: 220-239. 59. Gleni A, Ktistakis E, Tsilimbaris MK, Simos P, Trauzettel-Klosinski S, Plainis S (2019). Assessing Variability in Reading Performance with the New Greek Standardized Reading Speed Texts (IReST). Optometry & Vision Sciences Oct;96(10):761-767. 58. Bontzos G, Plainis S, Papadaki E, Giannakopoulou T, Detorakis E (2018) Mechanical optic neuropathy in high myopia. Clinical and Experimental Optometry 101(4), pp. 613-5. 57. Tserevelakis GJ, Tsagkaraki M, Tsilimbaris MK, Plainis S, and Zacharakis G (2017). "Photoacoustic imaging methodology for the optical characterization of contact lenses," Opt. Lett. 42(20), 4111-4114. 56. Nikopoulos K, Farinelli P, (…), Plainis S, (…), Rivolta C. (2016) Mutations in CEP78 Cause Cone-Rod Dystrophy and Hearing Loss Associated with Primary-Cilia Defects. American Journal of Human Genetics 99(3), pp. 770-776. [22] 55. Atchison DA, Blazaki S, Suheimat M, Plainis S, Charman WN (2016). Do small-aperture presbyopic corrections influence the visual field? Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics, Jan;36:51-9. [19] 54. Plainis S and Charman WN (2015). Problems in comparisons of data for the prevalence of myopia and the frequency distribution of ametropia. Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics, 35(4):394-404. [8] 53. Plainis S, Parry NRA, Sapountzis P, Murray IJ (2015). Orientation and spatial frequency selectivity following adaptation: a Reaction Time study. Perception, 44: 301-314. [2] 52. Charman WN, Plainis S, Rozema J, Atchison DA (2015). Hypermetropia or hyperopia? Guest Editorial Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics, 35(1): 2-7. 51. Papamastorakis G, Panagopoulou S, Tsilimbaris MK, Pallikaris IG, Plainis S (2014). Ocular higher order aberrations in a school children population. J Optometry Apr-Jun;8(2):93-100. [7] 50. Theodorou A, Skordilis A, Plainis S (2013). Adaptive gait changes at the approach phase of long jump in class F13 athletes. Perception and Motor skills: Exercise & Sports 117(1): 31-45. [2] 49. Plainis S, Petratou D, Giannakopoulou T, Radhakrishnan H, Pallikaris IG, Charman EN (2013). Small-aperture monovision and the Pulfrich experience: absence of neural adaptation effects. PLoS ONE 8(10): e75987 [6] 48. Plainis S, Atchison DA, Charman WN. (2013). Multifocal contact lens profiles and their interpretation. Optometry & Vision Science, 90(10): 1066-1077 [66] 47. Plaka A, Grentzelos MA, Astyrakakis NI, Kymionis GD, Pallikaris IG, Plainis S (2013). Efficacy of two silicone-hydrogel contact lenses for bandage use after photorefractive keratectomy. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye. 36(5): 243-246. [24] 46. Diakonis VF Tsourdou A, Tzatzarakis, MN, Tsika C, Charisis S, Naoumidi I, Plainis S, Tsilimbaris MK (2013). Evaluation of Pharmacokinetics and Potential Retinal Toxicity of Intravitreal Lornoxicam (Xefo). Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 29(7): 627-632 [5] 45. Tsaousis KT, Plainis S, Dimitrakos SA, Tsinopoulos IT. (2013). Binocularity enhances visual acuity of patients implanted with multifocal intraocular lenses. Journal of Refractive Surgery 29(4): 246-50. [13] 44. Anastasakis A, Piainis S, Giannakopoulou T, Papadimitraki E, Fanouriakis C, Tsilimbaris MK (2013).Xerophthalmia and acquired night blindness in a patient with a history of gastrointestinal neoplasia and normal serum vitamin A levels. Documenta Ophthalmologica. 126(2): 159-162. [6] 43. Plainis S (2013). Comment to “Kerasoft IC compared to Rose-K in the management of corneal ectasias”. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye. 36(3): 153 42. Tsaousis KT, Plainis S, Detorakis ET, Parry NRA, Pallikaris IG, Tsilimbaris MK (2013). Visual electrodiagnosis in Glaucoma screening: a clinical study. Journal of Glaucoma. 22(5): 427-31. [8] 41. Giannakopoulou T*, Plainis S*, Pallikaris IG, Tsilimbaris MK (2013) Contrast sensitivity in the ‘good eye’ of adult patients with severe impairment in the other eye. Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics. 33 (2): 150-156. [3] *equal contributors 40. Poulere E, Moschandreas J, Kontadakis G, Pallikaris IG, Plainis S (2013). Effect of blur and subsequent adaptation on visual acuity using letter and Landolt C charts: differences between emmetropes and myopes. Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics. 33 (2): 130-137. [23] 39. Plainis S, Petratou D, Giannakopoulou T, Radhakrishnan H, Pallikaris IG, Charman WN (2013). Interocular differences in visual latency induced by reduced-aperture monovsion. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics. 33 (2): 123-129. [15] 38. Plainis S, Kontadakis G, Feloni E, Giannakopoulou T, Pallikaris IG, Tsilimbaris MK, Moschandreas J (2013). Comparison of Acuity Charts in Normals and Diabetic Retinopathy Patients. Optometry & Vision Science. 90(2): 174-178 [7] 37. Limnopoulou AN, Bouzoukis ID, Kymionis GD, Panagopoulou S, Plainis S, Pallikaris A, Pallikaris, IG (2013).Visual outcomes and safety of a refractive corneal inlay for presbyopia using femtosecond laser. Journal of Refractive Surgery.29(1):12-19 [59] 36. Plainis S, Moschandreas J, Giannakopoulou T, Vitanova V, Rozema JJ, Tassignon MJ, Tsilimbaris MK, Pallikaris IG (2013). Validation of a modified ETDRS chart for European-wide use in populations that use the Cyrillic, Latin or Greek alphabet. J Optometry, 6(1): 18-24. [3] 35. Plainis S, Ntzilepis G, Atchison DA, Charman WN (2013). Through-focus performance with multifocal contact lenses: effect of binocularity, pupil diameter and inherent ocular aberrations. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics. 33(1): 42-50. [37] 34. Plainis S, Petratou D, Giannakopoulou T, Radhakrishnan H, Pallikaris IG, Charman WN (2012). Reduced-aperture monovision for presbyopia and the Pulfrich effect. J Optometry, 5 156-163. [9] 33. Plainis S (2012). Editorial: New technologies and diagnostic tools in Optometry. J Optometry, 5: 105-106. [1] 32. Karakosta A, Vassilaki M, Plainis S, Elfadl NH, Tsilimbaris, Moschandreas J. (2012) Choice of Analytic Approach for Eye-Specific Outcomes: 1 Eye or 2? American Journal of Ophthalmology 153(3):571-579. [56] 31. Tsika C, Tsilimbaris MK, Makridaki M, Kontadakis G, Plainis S, Moschandreas J (2011).Assessment of Macular Pigment Optical Density (MPOD) in patients with unilateral wet Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). Acta Ophthalmologica, 89(7) 573-578. [15] 30. Plainis S, Atchison DA, Charman WN (2011). Commenting on “Using Power Profiles to Evaluate Aspheric Lenses”. Letters to the Editor. Contact Lens Spectrum, April issue: 15-17. 29. Kontadakis GA, Plainis S, Moschandreas J, Tsika C, Pallikaris IG, Tsilimbaris, MK (2011). In vivo evaluation of blue-light attenuation with tinted and untinted intraocular lenses. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, 37(6): 1031-7. [3] 28. Plainis S, Petratou D, Giannakopoulou T, Atchison DA, Tsilimbaris MK (2011). Binocular summation improves performance to defocus-induced blur. Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences. 52(5): 2784-89 [26] 27. Laretzaki G*, Plainis S*, Vrettos I, Chrisoulakis A, Pallikaris IG, Bitsios P (2011). Threat and trait anxiety affect stability of gaze fixation. Biological Psychology, 86(3): 330-336 [13] *equal contributors 26. Laretzaki G*, Plainis S*, Argyropoulos S, Pallikaris IG, Bitrsios P (2010). Threat and anxiety affect visual contrast perception. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 24(5): 667-75 [11] *equal contributors 25. Grentzelos M, Plainis S, Astyrakakis N, Diakonis V, Kymionis G, Kallinikos P, Pallikaris IG. (2009) Evaluating the efficacy of two silicone hydrogel bandage contact lenses following photorefractive keratectomy. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.35:2103-2108 [37] 24. Plainis S, Parry NRA, Panorgias A, Sapountzis P, Murray IG (2009). Summation characteristics of the detection of compound gratings. Vision Research, 49(16): 2056-66 doi:10.1016/ j.visres.2009.05.006 [1] 23. Plainis S, Moschandreas J, Nikolitsa P, Plevridi E, Giannakopoulou T, Vitanova V, Tzatzala P, Pallikaris IG, Tsilimbaris MK. (2009) Myopia and visual acuity impairment: a comparative study of Greek and Bulgarian school children. Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics, 29: 312-320 [16] 22. Tsilimbaris MK, Diakonis VF, Naoumidi I, Charisis S, Kritikos I, Chatzithanasis G, Papadaki T, Plainis S. (2009) Evaluation of Potential Retinal Toxicity of Adalimumab (Humira). Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. 247(8): 1119-1125. [28] 21. Plainis S, Plevridi E, Pallikaris IJ. (2009) Comparison of the ocular wavefront aberration between pharmacological-induced and stimulus-driven accommodation, Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics, 29: 272-280 [3] 20. Plainis S and Pallikaris IG (2008). Ocular monochromatic aberration statistics in a large emmetropic population. Journal of Μodern Optics, 55: 759-772. [31] 19. Plainis S, Anastasakis AG, Tsilimbaris MK (2007). The value of Contrast Sensitivity in diagnosing Central Serous Chorioretinopathy. Clin Exp Optom, 90:4, 296-298. [14] 18. Plainis S, Tzatzala V, Orphanos Y, Tsilimbaris MK (2007). A modified ETDRS visual acuity chart for European-wide use. Optometry & Vision Science, 84 (7): 647-53. [31] 17. Plainis S, Murray IJ and Carden D (2006) The Dazzle Reflex; Electrophysiological signals from ocular muscles reveal strong binocular summation effects. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 26: 318-325. [10] 16. Plainis S, Murray IJ and Pallikaris IG (2006). Road traffic casualties: understanding the night-time death toll, Injury Prevention, 12: 125-128. [92] 15. Aslanides IM, Plainis S, Kumar V, Ginis HS (2006). Phacoemulsification and implantation of an accommodating IOL after PRK. Journal of Refractive Surgery, 22 (1): 106-108. 14. Plainis S and Murray IJ (2005). Magnocellular channel subserves close-to-threshold reaction times. Perception. 34(7): 933-940. [20] 13. Plainis S, Murray IJ and Charman WN (2005). The role of retinal adaptation in night driving. Optometry and Vision Science, 82 (8): 682-8. [34] 12. Plainis S, Ginis HS and Pallikaris A (2005). The effect of ocular aberrations on steady-state errors of accommodative response. Journal of Vision,5(5), 466-477, http://journalofvision.org/5/5/7. [111] 11. Parry NRA, Plainis S, Murray IJ and McKeefry DJ (2004). Effect of foveal tritanopia on reaction times to chromatic stimuli. Visual Neuroscience. 21: 237-42. [10] 10. Kymionis GD, Aslanides IM, Panagopoulou, SI, Plainis S, Astyrakakis N, Pallikaris IG (2004). Topographically Supported Customized Ablation for the management of decentered Laser in situ Keratomileusis. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 137(5): 806-11. [28] 9. Ginis HS, Plainis S and Pallikaris A (2004). Variability of wavefront aberration measurements in small pupil sizes using a clinical Shack-Hartmann aberrometer. BMC Ophthalmology, 4 (1). [31] 8. Murray IJ and Plainis S. (2003). Contrast coding and magno/parvo segregation revealed in reaction time studies. Vision Research, 43: 2707-2719. [50] 7. Plainis S and Murray, IJ (2002). Reaction times as an index of visual conspicuity when driving at night. Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics, 22: 409-415. [59] 6. Murray IJ, Plainis S, and Carden D (2002). The ocular stress monitor; a new device for measuring glare. Lighting Research & Technology, 34(3): 231-242. [33] 5. Plainis S, Murray IJ and Chauhan K. (2001). Raised visual detection thresholds depend on the level of complexity of cognitive foveal loading. Perception, 30: 1203-1212. [25] 4. Plainis S and Murray IJ (2000). Neurophysiological interpretation of human visual reaction times; effect of contrast, spatial frequency and luminance. Neuropsychologia, 38(12): 1555-64. [68] 3. Murray IJ, Plainis S, Chauhan K, Charman WN (1998). Road traffic accidents: the impact of lighting. The Lighting Journal, 63 (3): 42-46. [6] 2. Plainis S and Charman WN (1998). On-eye power characteristics of soft contact lenses Author’s response. Optometry and Vision Science, 75 (8): 58-59. [5] 1. Plainis S and Charman WN (1998). On-eye power characteristics of soft contact lenses, Optometry & Vision Science, 75 (1): 44-54. [15] |
Articles in Greek (recent)
Plainis S & Poulere E. (2024). Μυωπία: Μια πάθηση με επιδημικό χαρακτήρα Σύγχρονη Οπτική, 37: p18. (pdf)
Plainis S & Poulere E. (2024). Μυωπία: Μια πάθηση με επιδημικό χαρακτήρα Σύγχρονη Οπτική, 37: p18. (pdf)