Present status
Research Scientist,
Optics & Vision lab, School of Medicine, University of Crete
Optics & Vision lab, School of Medicine, University of Crete
Sotiris Plainis completed his undergraduate studies in Optics and Optometry in Greece and UK, respectively. These were followed by postgraduate (MSc, 1995; PhD, 1999) and postdoctoral (1999-2001) research at the Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences, UMIST, UK. Since then he has been employed as Principal Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Optics and Vision (LOV), School of Medicine, University of Crete, being a faculty member of two postgraduate courses and having an active research group in visual psychophysics and electrophysiology.
He is currently appointed as a Visiting Research Fellow at Aston University, UK and a module leader of the MSc course in "Optometry & Vision Science” (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca). He is a fellow of the British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) and a member of the International Society for Contact Lens Research (ISCLR) and the International Association of Contact Lens Educators (IACLE). He is an Advisory Board member of Zeiss Myopia Management committee. He forms a past member of the Faculty member of the Basic Optics course organised by the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS) and of the Education Committee of the European Academy of Optometry and Optics (EAOO). He also formed an International Vision Impairment (VI) Classifier, IPC. He is a co-owner and the director of Optical House and
He is currently appointed as a Visiting Research Fellow at Aston University, UK and a module leader of the MSc course in "Optometry & Vision Science” (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca). He is a fellow of the British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) and a member of the International Society for Contact Lens Research (ISCLR) and the International Association of Contact Lens Educators (IACLE). He is an Advisory Board member of Zeiss Myopia Management committee. He forms a past member of the Faculty member of the Basic Optics course organised by the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS) and of the Education Committee of the European Academy of Optometry and Optics (EAOO). He also formed an International Vision Impairment (VI) Classifier, IPC. He is a co-owner and the director of Optical House and
«The eye is the master of astronomy, it makes cosmography, it advises and corrects all human arts.... The eye carries men to different parts of the world, It is the prince of mathematics, it has created architecture, and perspective, and divine paintings, it has discovered navigation». Leonardo da Vinci (1459-1519) |
Education - Achievements
Member, International Association of Contact Lens Educators (IACLE) / 2025
Module leader, MSc course "Optometry & Vision Science", Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy / 2024 Member, MSc course “Management of Refractive Errors and Refractive Surgery”, Medical School, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens / 2024 Member, International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV) / 2024 Member of the Myopia management advisory board, Zeiss / 2023 Scientific director of CET course in “Optometry", University of Crete / 2021 Ambassador in Greece, International Myopia Institute (IMI) / 2021 Global Optometrist top 200 research ranking / 2021 Director of, Heraklion, Crete / 2018 Visiting Research Fellow, Aston University, UK / 2017 International Visual Impairment Classifier, IPC / 2016 Fellow, British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) / 2012 Member, International Society of Contact Lens Research (ISCLR) / 2009 Director of Optical House, Heraklion & Athens / 2007 Honorary Lecturer, University of Manchester, UK / 2006 Member, MSc degree in “Brain & Mind”, University of Crete / 2003 Module leader, MSc course in “Optics & Vision”, University of Crete / 2003 Post-doctoral research scholarship, IKY / 2003 Research Scientist, University of Crete / 2002 Post-doctoral grant recipient, University of Manchester / 1999 PhD in Optometry & Neurosciences, UMIST, UK / 1998 MSc in Optometry & Vision Sciences, UMIST, UK / 1995 Diploma in Clinical Optometry, UMIST, UK / 1994 Diploma in Optics, School of Health Sciences, TEI Athens / 1993 |
This website includes information on my biography and a list of my research projects, publications and educational / clinical activities.
I look forward to hearing from you, discussing your clinical / research project interests and needs. |